
發音: 筛下料[物 in English
minus mesh
  • 篩下:    minus sieve
  • 料×:    7 chi
  • :    thing; matter; object
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        篩下:    minus sieve
        料×:    7 chi
        :    thing; matter; object
        筛下料:    minus mesh; screen passing; sieve residue; undersieves; undersize
        粗筛下料:    coarse screenings
        筛下料粒:    undersize pellet
        筛渣;筛下料:    sieve residue
        废料;筛下料;尾馏分:    tailings
        筛下料分筛机:    tailings purifler
        筛下:    [冶金學] minus sieve◇篩下 (料)產品 undersize; fell; 篩下水 backwater; 篩下碎煤 culm; 篩下物 screening; siftage
        下料:    baiting; blank(blanking); layout; material preparation; stock cutting
        :    名詞1.(東西) thing; matter; object 短語和例子 動物 animal; 貨物 goods; commodity; merchandise; 礦物 mineral substance; 廢物 waste matter; 文物 cultural relics2.(指自己以外的人或與己相對的環境) other people; the outside or material world versus oneself 短語和例子 待人接物 the way one gets along with people; 游心物外 let the mind soar free from the material world3.(內容; 實質) content; substance; essence 短語和例子 言之有物 speak or write with substance; 空洞無物 totally void of substance; devoid of content
        发明(物),创造(物):    invention
        筛下的:    undersized
        筛下来:    sift
        筛下煤:    tripping coal
        筛下水:    backwater
        筛下物:    screen underflow; siftage; spigot; through product; undersize
        下料,开工:    plate-cutting
        下料管:    tremie pipe
        下料力:    blanking pressure
        下料量:    burden yield
        下料模:    blanking die
        准下料:    half-blanking
        花费(物):    sth charge sb ¥ for sb


  1. "篩下粉末"英文
  2. "篩下焦粉"英文
  3. "篩下空氣室跳汰機"英文
  4. "篩下來"英文
  5. "篩下料"英文
  6. "篩下料分篩機"英文
  7. "篩下料粒"英文
  8. "篩下煤"英文
  9. "篩下燒結礦粉末"英文
  10. "篩下水"英文



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